
In ancient times, the heart was considered to be the source of all emotions, and so became a valentine symbol.

Centuries ago, if a lady wanted a man’s attention, she would drop her lace handkerchief. Thus, lace became linked with romance.

Children of old England sang door-to-door on Valentine’s Day and received candy, cookies, and money in return.

People in the Middle Ages drew names to see who their valentines would be, then pinned the names on their shirts. This inspired the phrase “to wear your heart on your sleeve”.

The red rose was said to be a favorite flower of Venus, the Roman goddess of love.

The oldest known valentines were sent in 1415 by the Duke of Orleans to his French wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London.




Here is a Great DIY Project for your Earth Day 2023. I bought a large bird cage at a thrift store for under $15.00. It has a plastic bottom and metal cage top. I went to a home improvement store and bought a Jasmine plant. It was in a plastic pot and already had a stake in the pot that the jasmine was tied to. When I got home I placed the bird cage right outside of my screened in back porch. Some where I could see it and smell it. I opened the large opening at the top of the cage and placed the whole plant, pot,stake and all, right inside. Then closed the cage back up. Gave it a good water. Over the years it has done exactly what I wanted it to do. As it grows and vines out, I have been weaving the vines in and out of the cage. Look at it now. It is Full, Beautiful and in full bloom. I love it! IMG_0629The cage is rusting to a rustic looking perfection. And looks great. Very Shabby Chic. Patina is a beautiful thing. Enjoy the photo. Have a Nice Earth Day 2023!

Blowin’ though the Jasmine in my Mind.